Monday, May 19, 2008

Got MC for 3 weeks and NO.. its not plastic surgery Via. Keke...

Its cyst (women problem). Now my tummy's bloated 3 times its size... Sob~ how i miss my flat tummy~

I got to stay in bed and reduce my movement to nearly zero. Haiz~ what else can i do another than watch Korean drama~

Coffee Prince - finally got the time to watch and finish it!

Cool actors~

Its always about quarrels......

Love & Concerns
(Scene where he proposed to her)
& Love again~
Their interlinked relationships
This is a very sweet comedy with romantic settings and lovely people, in general it talks about innocent love at first sight, on and off r/s, multiple r/s and simply love. Thou the r/s for the main character develops a little bit too ridiculously fast, the sweetness is endurable.

In the same day, i finished CJ7 too...
Conclusion: A very short show

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