Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Yup... i am back from my Bangkok shopping trip.... and i know it has really been super long since my last update... ok, lets go post by post...

Thailand trip first....

We took Tiger Airline from the Budget Terminal, my first experience...! We touched down, stamped passport and out of the airport at abt 8.30am. Straight we head for our hotel, surprisingly, it only took us 30min to reach our destination by cabby.

We stayed in Samran Place, got to know this hotel from another friend's blog, sound good enough, so we tried.

On our 1st day, we roamed around Platinum Mall, Pratunam, MBK then to Patpong. Yah... that's alot of places... tiresome day...

First day lunch @ Platinum Mall Food Court
Thai style beef noodle

Platinum Mall is our 1st stop, that place is full fashion retail shops, the best thing is that you seldom find repeated store in the 5 storey high mall.

Advise: Plan at least 2 days slots just to patronise the mall, you won't be able to complete them all within a day. (This explains that why not many photo was taken, not enough time to shop...!!!)

Dedicated to Ms Bai if you are reading... Everywhere is Doraemon..! keke...

Found in Platinum Mall...!

Pratunum is a wholesale market more for retailers than shoppers like us... unless you could buy same design for minimum 3 pcs, if not just go there look see look see.

Dinner in MBK

At Patpong Night Bazaar

This is something like Singapore Pasar Malam, at the side of the night bazaar are fill with pubs and "pole dancers".

Day 2

We woke up super early to avoid the congestion in the Wkn Market at Chatuchak.

Breakfast Menu

Thou not buffet style, but the selections are good enough.

My westernise breakfast... they have hotdog wrap in sausage, eggs, breads and a glass of juice.

@ Weekend Market at Chatuchak

The market sells almost everything, from clothing, accessories, furniture, decorations, pets, to dry food even.

That place is really huge...! So many stalls, so many corners, so many lanes...! We were half beaten by noon, settled at the nearest stall for lunch.

After a few more hours of exploring, we left for Platinum Mall again for a thorough spree... Keke... but all the shops close arnd 9.30pm BK time, we still reluctant to leave by then...

Day 3

We had a lazy breakfast on the last day, and the last iternary would be BK Chinatown.


Drinking cool guava juice on a hot steaming day

My loot from the bk trip...

So reluctant to return back to the reality world of Singapore....


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