Monday, January 07, 2008

I promised to upload pictures of Kenny's Big Day... I really took effort to take as many photo as possible... There you go....

Firstly, we looked at the amount of investment we made in order to make it for the day.... 3 Shirt, 1 Pant and 1 Belt. And myself - a pair of white heels.... Not mentioning car wash....

My day started at 5.30am, bathe, dressed up, make up and out of the house at 6.00am.

Meet up with another of his brother to go together... Look at the time... Not joking wor...

Our blur but act smiling look...

Kenny giving away ang bao to the Brothers...

Getting our cars prepared.... Cutie White Ribbons

All gear up and ready to go...

When we about to leave Kenny's place, the sky is just starting to get bright.

Dear, can you remember how long ago was it that we watched the sky turn bright? Keke...

7.19am - Off to the Bride's House

It shined, it rained, and it shined again.

Our journey....

Some videos to share:

Gotta do some liaising upon reaching...

Grand entering (noise too)... keke

Nice group photo...

Fetch the Bride.... Unlike normal routine, not much of sabo touch or torturing.... Smart Kenny... Negotiation done before the actual day...!

Another group photo....

See how many cars we got here...

Proceed to Kenny's house for buffet lunch and end of story for Piggy and me....

It is not end of day for both of us, we still got to visit a supplier to collect goods for the shop and tended the shop for the rest of the day... :( Tired~

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