Monday, March 26, 2007


My very first prawning experience...

Last Saturday late night, we went to Prawning near Jurong Bird Park. I had heard so much about prawning, the waiting and the excitement but never did i tried out.

That evening after our dinner, we had no where to go, so Piggy decided to go prawning... it was a last minute thingy, so it actually got me all excited...

The bait...

Chicken liver...

Getting all excited while Piggy concentrates on the rod..

Patience... Wait & wait & wait.... Finally....

After 1.5 hours of waiting, our 1st prawn...!

But we managed to catch only 2 parwns throughout the 3 hours session... Haiz...

We went home with our catch and immediately, Piggy made me Fried Garlic Butter Prawns... Heehee... But was too busy eating, forgot to take pictures.. heehee..

The prawns are of cos super fresh, cos they were still moving when placed in the pan... a bit cruel, but no choice lah... The meat is thick and crunchy, the prawn smell wasn't that strong, which i afraid it might... maybe cos Piggy had them all well seasoned..! heehee... So sweet hor...

Thanks Dear, for the efforts and attentiveness... heehee... I'm loving you...

I know that there is another Prawning Pond somewhere in Jurong too... heard that the catch there would be better, so next time we go try out there hor, Dear Dear... heehee...

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