Monday, March 05, 2007

Just finished kick-boxing lesson earlier, today lesson very "xiong"...! From lesson 7 onwards, a new instructor will take over, so today is her first lesson with us. Perhaps i am too use to the previous instructor, her pace, her style, her move and her look, heehee... The first instructor is a very cute looking yet pretty lady... her small build allows her to move swiftly..!

This second instructor is more plump, but she is very flexible! She even has a tattoo on her back, stylo wor...! She lesson was very rush and fast, all moves are expected to be memorized on first demostration...! Futhermore, she is short, sometimes i can't see where she was hiding.. heehee....

Yawnz... after a sweat out, i am tired liao... That's all folks....

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