Tuesday, April 04, 2017

McDonald's Seoul Spicy Burger

Tried the newly launched burger recently.... i think is the commercial effect and someone told me the taste in fact is quite good... making me wanna give it a shot.

But here you see is the one and only photo i took... reason...

I had so much expectation... but after i unwrapped, the sauce was everywhere, practically on the wrapper, my hands, the bun... it is disaster! It is so messy that i can't even have any extra arm to picture it nicely for my blog... So much for the appearance...  

Ok, let's move to the taste then... it has much sweetness in the sauce, coupled with lots of spiciness... perhaps i am not those who are really into kimchi... therefore not much liking in this taste... i would say a NO to a second chance...

But not to worry, i am still very willing to test out all other kinds of new burgers McDonald has to offer... truth is i had tried almost or all new burger McDonald ever launched... just that this is an experience that i have to mark down.

Please quicker let this Korean burger ends so that i can expect the next new launch...

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