Sunday, February 14, 2016

CNY 2016 - 初二 (2月9日)

Day 2 of CNY is always a nuasai day for us... the only visiting is usually 大姨house. Actually have more locations to go, but usually will push them away to have a good rest (nuasai) at home.

We will sleep till 自然醒, that kind of feeling is heavenly, cos our mornings or early afternoons are always filled with phone calls or non-stop incoming messages.... Only this day, we dun get incomings! lol

First thing to me will be munching on all the new year goodies and channel surfing till Mr Piggy awake.  

Us ready to head out.

 Us, after being beautify... lol

Nothing to do just eat and camwhore! Actually behind us is the gambling den, but both of us are not so into it, so we just sit around till times up.

Reached home liao still must take a last selfie before wash up. lol

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