Monday, August 16, 2010

Baking - Swiss Roll

Mood of Baking Part 2

Didn't finish the last entry i post-ed, therefore continual of my last post. Mr Piggy's sister just got a new oven at home, and she was trying out different type of cakes, so that strike my interest. I did some researches, brought some ingredients, and way to go....!

In my left over memory index, i kinda have memory that Swiss Roll wasn't a big challenge, thus that will be my first target...! SWISS ROLL....!!!!!!!!

After the baking was done, i got to prepare the fillings... i chosen whip creame, cos it seems simple enough. And here i gonna share with you something amazing (maybe i sua ku, but it find it amazing).
I am suppose to whip this liquid form Cream, i pour the fluid in a bowl and start beating it, and to my surprise, the liquid starts to thicken and has texture and ultimately it turn into the cream that we known of...!!! How amazing...! Dun blame me for my suaku-ness... its really interesting to me...!

Tada.... End product...

It looks nice, but doesn't taste as spongy. And it can't find the icing sugar, so no topping to go with... Next time i will try harder, make sure it will taste better on my next try...!!!

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