Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Finally...!!!! I watched Harry Potter last evening!

The story plot this time wasn't very catchy, kind of plain and a little dry... and seems a bit draggy too. I had heard so much negative comments on this episode, nevertheless i still wanna watch it.

In this sequel, Pro Dumbledore is killed, i knew it, i read it but i can't help tear for it when i saw the scene. A lot of sacrifices found in this sequel, Harry is to learn and go through all these in preparation for his fight with Lord Voldemort. In fact, if you read the novel, you will realise there are similarity in Harry Potter and Tom Riddle (Voldemort's real name). Gifted, lost their parent, courageous, etc...

In any case, i simply love the novel not matter how bad people review. Can't wait for the next sequel~ Oh my~

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