Monday, April 21, 2008

Another Pak Tok Day

Last Saturday, Piggy made time to go pak tok with me....

Our only available time to pak tok is usually deep into the night after we are done in the shop, and the outing can only be made possible if i am not tired, cos Piggy will constantly check if i had fallen asleep along the way.

We travelled all the way up to the north, somewhere very near Woodlands Causeway. Piggy likes this place, across the "sea" you can see Johor.
Heavy traffic against calming sea
This is how near we are... no zoom in was used here...

Beautiful outline of Johor with highly lifted lightings.

On the green, i spotted this little creature.

Me and Piggy at that lovely place before moving off~

Road ahead is still long~

2nd destination - Sembangwang Park
Full Moon camouflage among the branches

Main icon is not me... but look at how close the tents are to each other..?!?!?! Good camping site?

This is my 1st time in Sembanwang Park, this place is full of make-shift tents and campers. See how close the tents are...!!! These can be seen along the coast-line, rainbow coloured tents and the aroma of BBQ filled the park..!

Love this picture of my yan tao~ want to know what he is looking at?

Lotsa fishing rods and i can promise, all of them having good catches..!
us again
Last look at the moon before we head home.

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