Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Totally Random

Took Bus 105 the other day, when i boarded it, immediately the sense of luxury flows.....

Interior of the bus...

Leather Seat

Collaboration between SBS and NTU.

Later into the evening, i got more surprises..... one of Piggyis customer brought him a very nutty yummilious chocolate mousse cake! (By the thought of it made me droopl~)

~*~Very Nutty
~*~Not too sweet
~*~Nice texture
~*~Rich chocolate
~*~Value for money portion


Monday, April 28, 2008


One fine day, while Piggy and me was going to the shop, he exclaimed,

"Look...!!! This is more hilarious than the pink EG that we saw..!"

I turned my head and no realising what he actually meant until we went nearer, this is what....

Hmm... this does give me a thinker~ Would i be the next one when i park my car?
So.. i didn't dare even sneer abit at the incident, but to remind myself to check in future..!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Makan Kaki

Spageddies @ Tanglin Mall on 25/Apr

Having dinner with my regular makan kaki.

The 肥肥 team~

The Ladies~

We started off with very healthy appetizer - Oriental Crispy Chicken Salad

Followed by Primo Combo (finger food) ~ this is not the full portion! (Original look)

It should consist of a triple treat of calamari, mozzarella and soft shell crab served with homemade tartar and neapolitan sauce for dipping. But when you are with this team, whatever that are puplic (shared) must attack first before its GONE...!

Five Cheese Pizza
This is just an image of food for photo taking purpose only... usually this won't happen -_-"

Crayfish & Chicken Combo
Spaghetti Aglio E Olio
Spaghetti Ham & Mushroom
Brownie / Tiramisu / Apple Cobbler

And sadly enough, no more photo after that very cheesy pizza was served. Everyone was busy chatting on nonchalant topics and slurping up any single bit of food on the plate.

The whole session was about teasing the waiters and betting on whether they will serve Calamari when we ordered Sotong; penalising who eating the biggest share of the food; kicking a fuss why food wasn't served promptly, etc.

Haha... this is us... nefarious ways of making laughters and attention...!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dedicated to Marc......

Happen to come across The Bitter Stickgirl post and found that this artwork of hers suited your situation very well.... Haha...

Copy Cat

Extracted from

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another Pak Tok Day

Last Saturday, Piggy made time to go pak tok with me....

Our only available time to pak tok is usually deep into the night after we are done in the shop, and the outing can only be made possible if i am not tired, cos Piggy will constantly check if i had fallen asleep along the way.

We travelled all the way up to the north, somewhere very near Woodlands Causeway. Piggy likes this place, across the "sea" you can see Johor.
Heavy traffic against calming sea
This is how near we are... no zoom in was used here...

Beautiful outline of Johor with highly lifted lightings.

On the green, i spotted this little creature.

Me and Piggy at that lovely place before moving off~

Road ahead is still long~

2nd destination - Sembangwang Park
Full Moon camouflage among the branches

Main icon is not me... but look at how close the tents are to each other..?!?!?! Good camping site?

This is my 1st time in Sembanwang Park, this place is full of make-shift tents and campers. See how close the tents are...!!! These can be seen along the coast-line, rainbow coloured tents and the aroma of BBQ filled the park..!

Love this picture of my yan tao~ want to know what he is looking at?

Lotsa fishing rods and i can promise, all of them having good catches..!
us again
Last look at the moon before we head home.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Movie Time

Wanting to watch The Forbidden Kingdom long time ago when i first saw the trailer, the story somehow attracts me a lot... Fantasy, Martial Atrs, Ancient? Hmmm...

Aftermath the strong casts make me more interested! First-ever martial arts collaboration between Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Hmm.... all set for some serious fighting scences....

It's raining heavily out there now...

I like the weather now, it sort of makes me dreamy...

I like watching the heavy rain smudges my vision.

I like listening to the rain hitting hard on the ground.

I simply love raining days~

Friday, April 18, 2008


Had a last minute dinner arrangement with my Polymates on one of the April Friday...

The usual guys that i hang out with during my studies or even after graduation.

Dinner @ Ajisen - 4/Apr'08

Zhiliang + Erik

During school days, Erik used to be our (ZL & Me) target of love fight. Haha... what am i talking, anyway u guys rock..!

Erik and his wife

The rest of us - Hong Guan + Me + Guowei

Proceed to Cafe Cartel for DESERTs....!!!!

My desire to loose weight lost to my sweet tooth craving... Me had a Tiramisu wor...! Thus fulfilling night, just that Erik couldn't stay too late cos he is living in the Northern-East side of Sinagpore

After their depart, Piggy came pick me and met John at Kallang Leisure Park for some chit chat cum rounding. Moved on to Singapore railway station for food again...! Yah.. again..!

Tanjong Pagar Railway Station

Nice colony building, isn't it?

Piggy was famished, he tucked in once the food arrived.

I sort of like the place there, very open concept just like the Makan Places in Malaysia. No restriction of parking lot, table setting was all over any corners that is available, no smoking area, etc... Sound very against the rule hor... maybe that's why i like that place~

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bike Asia - 10/Apr ~ 13/Apr

Sometime last week, we travelled all the way from Jurong to Changi Singapore Expo just to attend the "BIKE ASIA 2008" show.

Collabrate with Racewerks, Gamewerks contribute a small small part to work the success of the exhibition.

A little advertorial here...

Racewerks is in the motorcycle business where they provide personalized service such as tuning, customisation, spray painting services, etc. Racewerks is equipped with the Dynojet 250I machine that enable tuning on any specific bikes with power commanders made possible.

On top of that, Racewerks is the distributor for TYGA Performance in Singapore that reowned for their racing fairing, carbon fiber parts and exhaust system. Not only that, Racewerks also topped many other suppliers to be the Singapore and S.E.A distributor for GT85 Lubricatant, Penetrator, Water Displacer, etc.

For more information on Racewerks, please click here -> Racewerks

Racewerks Booth in Bike Asia 2008
Our bike - Racewerks + Gamewerks
Power commander on Honda Superfour made possible by Racewerks' technology.

Photos taken from the exhibition......
Carbon fibre tail board
Piggy & me having fun
This is the only photo with Model taken.

Piggy's favorite
Last but not least, some stunts but the cyclists.
Hmm... the mid-air stunt turns out to be dull from my photo... i desperately need to polish up on my photography skills~ :(

That's all folks~