Wednesday, December 26, 2007

HoHoHo..... Merry Christmas.... Thou the greeting came a bit late, but i wished everyone had a joyous holiday. This would be a little lengthy post, please bare with me.....

On 19th Dec, i brought a few simple gifts for my colleagues.... It's a joyous season, just something simple to make everyone happy... let you have a peep....

Not difficult to guess what they are, right....?

In return, i also received gifts from my "Lovely 小人国 Colleagues"....

24-Dec-2007 - Christmas Eve

As usual, on Christmas Eve it would be my company's Annual D&D.... This year, the event was held at
The Regent Hotel and for the first time we marked full strength attendance...!!!!

We were dismissed at 3.00pm from work to go back home prepare for the Dinner which starts at 7.00pm. You know lah... ladies love to make up, and they are forever taking their own sweet time... keke....i think my company jolly well knows that... For myself, I had wanted to try on fake lashes for a longest time, finally i had my chance.
Swee bo..? Look at them, ain't they beautiful... keke.... I think i did a good job as a beginner... i was worried if it would drop off half way thru the dinner, luckily they stayed on... heehee...

Abt 6.30pm, set off to Regent.... Getting bored in the car and tada...

Didn't really took many cos there were other people on board... Paisei lah...

Our hand-made signature board...
Contribution from Mr Andrew Lee. If you look closely enough, he made a very blink blink board. The background was sprinkled with glittering dust, and at the edge of the tree laid colourful crystals lined neatly from rows to row....

Ok... let's move to the other photo taken during the pre-dinner. The entertainment company actually arranged hair colouring and polaroid activities for a warm up to get heat up... so photos were snapped here and there.... so there you goes....
Cosy setting at the lounge area....

Dinner Served
Not many pictures were taken on the food... was either too busy eating or walking around... If you asked me how's the food.... hmmm..... i will give it a 8/10, not too bland, not too salty and considerably fresh, what i love most would be the desert, unlike those common stuffs.... We were having Chocolate Cake wor....!

In the midst of the dinner, we were constantly entertained by the Emcee and were having numerous activities, eg. who got the longest arms, tongue, chest hair, biggest nose, sexy ass and poses, etc. We had so much fun so much laughters....
I personally found this picture particularly hilarious.... We had 2 guys up the stage to compare who had the sexiest ass.... but this pose looked as if they were waiting for a kick in their butt.... keke....
You wanna make a guess who won?

The main cast of the night would be the LUCKY DRAW, every staffs is insurance to walk away with a prize, the matter is only big or small prize.

Top prize of the night is $588 cash + $300 voucher.....! And the winner is this lady in black... of cos she can't walk away the Fri st Prize without having some performance done....

Our cute colleague there was showing her some of the moves that she was required to do....
There she goes....

Group Photo....

Did i mentioned that i got the 17th prize...!?!?! Haiz... never in my life i got lucky in such draws.... But my Piggy got all the luck, he got the one and only special draw for guest (thou it's just a Deep Fried Cooker), out of the 30 over guests, unlike me, got 17th out of the 19 staffs.

Anyway the day ends beautifully with my Piggy companion.... That's my greatest Christmas present, dear dear actually closed his shop earlier to make it for the event.... Love you to core, my dearest Dear Dear.

The next day is a working day for my Piggy, so i was there to help out.... Camwhoring again....

Pretty bored and with the gloring sunshine outside, noticed that the car's sun shade has very clear reflection.... so i gotta capture it down. Call me shu ku all you like... i just wanna capture it...
Mine reflection...

Dear's reflection...

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