Monday, November 05, 2007


Dinner with my SIC classmates on the 2/Nov in Bugis area. We had steamboat buffet at 鲜得来, a very stylish looking restaurant, but didn't take many photo... was busy eating and catching up on the latest gossips... heehee...

One of the hot favorite topic was, " Anyone changing job?" Among the 5 of us, only 1 had taken action and found a new job, the few of us haven't really put our words into actions, espically ME...! After hearing how much my miserable salary is, they were partically jumping at me and urge me to flip the newspaper asap...! Okok... i know i know... just let me relax for another 2 months....

Ok, that's all... Now... let the photo take over...

i think this dish is called 辣子鸡, meat were finished, only left the chilies... Spicy Spicy...!

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