Wednesday, November 14, 2007

2007 ShangHai Tour 08/Nov ~ 11/Nov

Hi all... i am back from my Shanghai trip, did i mention it is a company tour actually...

Ermmm... anyway, this is a luxurious 4 days 3 nights tour. Unlike normal package, no funny funny recommended shop that we went, 1~2 hrs of shopping time given at most of the locations, 5~6 Stars Hotels that we stayed, high class dinning we had... isn't that luxury....

Before the tour, i was rather demoralised by the thought of touring with the uncles and auties of my company, at work already cannot stand some of them, now tour also gotta stick with them.... Haiz... Lucky enough, there are still a few "clickable" colleagues for me to rely on... keke...

Make this post be a less wordy one, let's look at the photos....

Day 1 @ Suzhou

Day 2 + abit of Day 3 in Shanghai

Last Day in Shanghai

Sorry for the small sizing of the pictures, i have 200++ photo, i will faint if i gotta load them all...

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