Friday, September 28, 2007

Accompanied my Mom to attend my cousin wedding lunch....
Didn't have much photos taken, cos Mom brought the kid along... so gotta keep watch at him...

Outlook for that day... (Photo edited)
Oh no.. look at the ugly eye bags... can someone please teach me a good way to remove them..!!!
Met up with Jennifer to have my nails done... After all the hard work + study, now is time to pamper myself a little... heehee...

Starting to have fun... More programs will be coming up... Yeah..! Yeah...!
Stay tuned for more updates... wahahaha....

Monday, September 24, 2007

Weiyi's Birthday Celebration

Last Sat, had a meet up with the ladies from my Primary School.... Had dinner and chit chat session at Cafe Cartel in IMM.

Weiyi brought the 2 boys with her this time round… unusual because everytime it would always be either one only...

Anyway no much changes to us, the ladies, but tremendous changes for the kids... They grew taller, their character began to build up and they started to anticipate what is their gain from their own behavior…! Smart kids right…!

On most occasions when she brings only 1 of her darlings, each of us would already have to take turns to keep the boy entertained.
Shuhui would start teaching english
Aimei would make funny expression or play hide and seek
Me would supply any accessible toys for him
And the Mommy…??? She would find chance to enjoy her food... haha... Not true lah…the boys wanted most is still their mommy’s attention… (Can’t compete..)

But this time round, 2 kids wor...! Can you imagine?
Joshua would climb up and down the couch, stand in the middle of the passage way, obstructing the waitresses, etc…
Jovan would constantly shout for mommy, try to escape from the baby chair, etc….

Great challenge thou…

Oh ya.. one fascinating must share incident, when I come to think of it, I can’t stop laughing….

That day, Joshua was crawling under the pathetic small baby chair, and forgetting that he had upsize, he knocked down the chair…. But he didn’t give up, he was trying again…

So panicky Shuhui cried out :" 你还来。。!!"
Almost immediately, the boy replied :"来了"

Wahahaha…. I almost died laughing… Joshua had successfully go under the chair and standing right in front of Shuhui...!

Ok.. should stop talking liao… Photo time…

Joshua with his signature pose....!

After much pleading... Joshua finally agreed to have pictures taken with me...
(OMG... i really look plump in the pics...! Gotta start working out immediately..!)

The ladies...

See how much we enjoyed the food... Empty plates..! (Haha.. actually always forget to take photo before we start eating....)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Had a tiredsome weekend... Thou nothing much unusual happened, but i am physically drained....

Last Friday, i took a day leave to accompany Piggy to his 公公 first year death anniversary ritual. Time passed really fast....

公公 had gone for a year without us really realising... 公公 is very much missed by Piggy and 婆婆...

How can i tell?

Everytime when we visit 婆婆, it is always for some ceremonies or rituals, but on every occasion, i could see her puffy eyes trying hard to hide after what seems to be crying.

As for Piggy, he had not been mentioning about 公公 very much, but at times he would slip out the remorseful sigh after chating with an elderly customer. He might have been blaming himself for not sparing much time for someone whom had dote him, pampered him so much...

So... treasure whatever is important to you now... cos there is always a time for it to go...

The next 2 days i spent them in Piggy's shop... helping out in whatever i could or maybe just keeping companion... But anyway, it is fun... the satisfication you get when customer is convinced and made a purchased... The effort is paid off... There are still alot more to learn...!

No photos to upload cos din really go anywhere...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Update on last week activities....


This date marked the end of my course.... (*Me still very high over it... Heez..)

Activities for that day were supposed to submit assignment after work and meet Felicia for her party splash.... Nevertheless, i was never lucky, just before i wanna print out, the report the mian body got corrupted for no reason..!!!


I had forgotten how many times this has had STRUCK me throughout the course.... Luckily i had backup this time and only had to redo the last bit... Was rushing through till abt 6.30pm then i received a call from Joyce...

End up she accompained me to hand up my assignment and dinner...!!! Heez...

Sakae Teppanyaki @ Plaza Singapura

Artistic right.. heehee... not at all, i know... oopps..! Due to my lousy skill...

Nah... here are the actual pics.. not many thou...

My Seafood set....

*Denote : Joyce in reading, Uncle wants me to prompt you, he wants a set too, but he wants lobster set meal...!!!


Pak Tor day...

We went to our old dating place... Heehee...

@ West Coast Mac

We had a stroll at the park after our supper.... (Proud)
Dear Dear is still the best...! Heez...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

So many post-dated pics.... so many things i wanna share...

Here it goes....

I cut my curls in Aug.... 10 months of long curly hair, hmmm... worth the money already... its time to go...

Passed by Bukit Batok Interchange the other day and noticed that there are actually auto station for bicycles rental.... i was rather amused or maybe too mountain tortoise, so took some pics...

Have you seen these before?

List of THINGS i wanna do and i needa do...
1. Arrange class gathering with poly friends
2. Meet up with secondary school classmates
3. Arrange meet up for Weiyi's birthday
4. Shopping => to use up my Seiyu + Isetan vouchers
5. Sun tanning
6. Short holiday
7. Rebonding (still considering)
8. Catch some movie marathon
9. Take up Japanese
10. *Clean up my room...!
11. Change all furniture in the house
12. Bring family for tour
13. Do stock take for Dear Dear
14. Read a story book

Wow~ never can i get busier than this..!

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Finally over...!!! I finally complete my course...!!! Time to PLAY...!!!!

I am not very satisfy with my performance, i aiming to get at least a 2nd Upper, but don't think its possible... cos I knew that i did quite badly for my last paper... Right now, just gotta wait for the results (properly out in Feb) and hope for at least a 2nd Lower...

So much about the course, let's see below for some post-dated photos...

The boy boy that my mum baby-sit....

Taken while i was at home doing my revision...

This naughty cheeky fellow really turn my house upside down....
  • He cried everytime when my mum not in his sight
  • He cried when i tried to play with him
  • He cried when he got block nose

but he is not to be blamed lah... he was down with flu, cough and fever then.... moreover i only see him for less than 5 times so far, that's why he refused to play with me...

Before the revision season starts, i actually sneaked out to catch the long waiting Harry Poter... Had a quick dinner @ IMM Ichiban Boshi... Nice..!

Uncle Philip with his food...

My hand roll.... super nice loh.... Fragrance egg wrap with crisy bacon + fish roe + veg

Done with and satisfied...!

During then... i had Japanese food 3 in a roll...
1. 3/Aug - Ichiban
2. 9/Aug - Sakae
3. 10/Aug - Nihon Mura (Busy eating, so no photo taken)

Some pics from Sakae...

Unwelcome guest---->