Saturday, February 24, 2007


Take a Family Photo before set off to 拜年!

See that Red Blouse my mum's wearing... heehee... she still got give me face...

As uaual, on the 1st day of CNY, we were packed with house visiting...

This year, i got my Piggy to join me with the visiting.. heehee... so happy ;P

We at 外婆 house.


Ready to party...!

Happening at St James Power House.... Jio a few friends and went clubbing...! Wednesdays is Power House's Ladies' Nite, it was packed but fun...!

Zhilaing & Me with the PEACE gesture...

Manda & Mi...

In toilet zhilian-ing... heehee...

There were acrobats performance and some dancing performance too, but i got problem uploading the video.. will try to upload another time when i figure it out. :)

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