Wednesday, February 28, 2007


First day of work after the super duper long holiday..! Everyone is still in the holiday mood, nobody got the heart to work actually that is at least me lah... I am eyeing on the 4 hampers standing right in fornt of our office since step in.

Got 4 hampers de, but i only have the photo of 2 hampers.

See the good stuffs inside...?!?!?!

At last, after 3/4 of the day passed, the management finally decided to dismantle the hamper and prepare for luchy draw...! This is every year practise, and so far for the past 7 years i had never draw anything wonderful, either prawn crackers, Fa cai, or sweets nia... Thought maybe i am fated with no luck...

So after a few rounds of self picking lots, i decided to try my luck too...

and the result is....

This is the prize i got which labelled as No. "1"...! Heehee...! First time got "1" leh...

But when my colleague show me his No. 5 prize... then i realised getting "1" doesn't sysbolmise i am lucky, looks like my luck still not as good as it seems... However, i am really contented with what i got..! It is just a draw, what else am i asking for, rite..! :)

A comparison of our prize

After is Hamper Draw, we were simply waiting for KOCK OFF and our Congregation Dinner! Heehee...

This year we are having it at Riverside Jumbo again, thought we gonna have a feast (cos seafood is my favorite!), however the food wasn't as good as the previous year.

This year we had lobster instead of crab, that lobster cost $400 wor..! But many complained that they didn't have a chance to really taste it, not only because the lobster was shared among 2 tables, but also the portion of the food were rather small. And imagine the next table had 9 males snatching for the food where ours only 5 gals and 2 guys eating...! And our Dear Uncle Philip was still blur blur waiting for his crab even the last dish was served! Frankly speaking, i am expecting crab too, went up to Jumbo but no crabs or prawns, hmmm... weird weird de...

Beef - i like this beef, it is soft and tender, and the sauce is put separate. Yummilious..!


Fried Soon Hock and Baby Abalone with Mushroom and Asparagus

PhotobucketSeafood fishcake under fried chicken skin - unique taste

See my plate of lobster..! Heehee... Full mouthful of tasty fresh..!

'That' table of male colleagues...

PhotobucketMiyabara-san & Me

This is our MD, but heard that he is going over to Jakarta permanently soon... will miss him de...!
That's all for the night, before ending the post, let me share with you my dressing for first day of work....

Monday, February 26, 2007

Yeah..! Finally successful...! All thanks to Ms Jylonz...! heehee...

Performance by Powerhouse dancer...

This guy was dancing on the stage just infront of us, so luckily we had a good location to snap the best shot... heehee...

Below the stage is where they placed their sound woofers...! So... can imagine the effect? Shiokk wor..!
Had a really enjoyable nite out..! Heehee...!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


It is the makan ju le bu gathering again...!

Chinese food - Dim Sum

We visited Hong Xing for the 2nd time, cos the food are nice, place is right, and most importantly we are going with the right group of people... heehee...

The session was full of laughters and cheers... this time rounf, we have 2 more colleagues joining the group.

Joyce & Me

We ordered the Da Pau again, but not like the first time, 1 shot ordered 3 Da Pau...!

See the size of the Pau, bigger than the basket beside it, can picture the size....?

Close up shot of the Pau...

This day was a eating day for me, after the fulfilling brunch, i went to Piggy's shop to join him for family dinner after he finish work.

His mum specially cooks for the whole family and his dad strongly requests everyone to be presented for this dinner.



Saturday, February 24, 2007


Take a Family Photo before set off to 拜年!

See that Red Blouse my mum's wearing... heehee... she still got give me face...

As uaual, on the 1st day of CNY, we were packed with house visiting...

This year, i got my Piggy to join me with the visiting.. heehee... so happy ;P

We at 外婆 house.


Ready to party...!

Happening at St James Power House.... Jio a few friends and went clubbing...! Wednesdays is Power House's Ladies' Nite, it was packed but fun...!

Zhilaing & Me with the PEACE gesture...

Manda & Mi...

In toilet zhilian-ing... heehee...

There were acrobats performance and some dancing performance too, but i got problem uploading the video.. will try to upload another time when i figure it out. :)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Its NEW YEAR...!

Wish all my friends a Happy & Propersous New Year...!!!!!!!

And may my family stay healthy and well...!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Spring Cleaning

This week onwards, me super busy with the spring cleaning...! My mum is those chao ji traditional Chinese, every corner in the house which might collect dust, must pull out the furniture and clean every bit of the dust, even behind the wardrobes...!!!!! OMG... spring cleaning is not only time consuming, but also strenuous for me... 3 more days to go before CNY...!

Let's talk about something not that stressful... my new year clothes...! Heehee... I have the habbit of buying new year clothes for the whole family, but this year is different. My youngest brother had bought his own clothings, then the other brother still have a few new pcs not wore yet, so not need to buy. Then for my dad, usually i won't see him wear, cos my mum prepares his clothing for him, those old ones wear first and new ones i bought will keep for other dunno what occasions... haiz... give up...

Worst case is this year clothings i bought for my mum, she rejects all of them! Totally dun wanna give me face... haiz... Complained either too RED, she dun like, too flowery, too revealing, too tight, etc... Bring her go shopping, she dun want, complaint waste money, buy for her, she dun like... haiz... dunno what to do...think end up these will become my collecti0ns...

My first Red Tag... heehee

This red blouse is for her, i think the colour ok and the design simple, so i bought, but she dun
like... :(

This dress i think very rectro, she might had wore something like this in the past, but she said too revealing... haiz...

This one is for my mum too, but i haven't show to her yet... cos she rejected the earlier 2, so i went to buy another, hopefully can suit her...

I like the collar and the ribbon... so sweet...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

hmmm... i supposed to update like 1 week ago, but been lazy and busy at the same time, dragged the whole updating till now...

Didn't really go anywhere recently, cos was busy with the month end thingy last week and Chinese New Year is just round the corner, got lots of tidying to do...!

Ok, let's start with 28/Jan... that day still fall within the raining season, so my piggy didn't ride to work...

That evening after work, the time was still early and both of us were bored, so we were looking for kakis to chill out... and finally, we found these 2... Heehee...

Norman & Felicia

First, we went to a very family pub with their friends for some "drinking" and chit chat, then we proceeded to Party World for our KTV session...

That night was unforgettable, there were 10 adults and 2 children, so the management gave us a super big room to accommodate all of us... After settling in the room, all the uncles and aunties started clearing their throats and bomba us with the "hokkien" songs and some oldies, thou some songs i had never heard of, but they sang really well...!

The la la la session continued till abt 4.00 am when the uncles, aunties and children started zombie-ing, we thought it was time to pack and go, but they told us, "
We had made the payment, you guys stay and enjoy! The booking is till 6.00am, dun waste it..! Bye~" and off they went...

Our 1st reaction was "
WAH" then "WAH WAH" and "WAH WAH WAH" First, we asked Norman how should we pay them, but he said they dun accept any payback, it would be on their treat! WAH

Then we have 2 full hours on our own... WAH WAH

Lastly, we had such a big room to ourselves, only 4 of us...! WAH WAH WAH

OMG...! That was the first time we didn't spent any $$$, have full solid 2 hours and such big room...!!!! This is really an unforgettable night for me..!

I am a happy lady...!