Saturday, December 30, 2006

Finally...some breathing space...

So happy...! Received an email from my lecturer on Friday morning saying that the deadline for his 2 assignments will postpone to 18/Jan...!!!!!! Yeah...! At least can slightly enjoy this holiday, unlike my X'mas this year, totally no mood due to the amount of work load that needa cleared.... but not for this New Year Eve...! Yeah...!

So here goes a little back dated post...

This is given by my colleagues for X'mas...

A simple hamper....

Most happy was this suprise present from my piggy..! Never thought i will receive any presents this year, cos i told him he wun be having any X'mas present this year... and he did notice that i am stressed out by my assignments....

Thanks Dear...! I LOVE the Presents, i really LIKE it alot....! And most importantly, i love you more...!

Not all, there is this very interesting, very thoughtful and very sweet thing that my Piggy did that i wanna share...!

On X'mas eve night, after a tired day at work, my piggy came back home. While i had no mood for any celebration, i simply reluctant to step out or go anywhere, but to my suprise.... my piggy brought bacl a Fried Spring Chicken...!

I was curious, so i asked :"Why buy a 童子鸡back???"

He answered :"Cos today X'mas eve mah... 没有火鸡,我们就吃同子鸡咯。。。!"

I was so amused and touched at the same time... so we watched documentary and had our sweet 童子鸡 together....

Not so bad for a X'mas lah... heehee...

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