Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ex-colleagues gathering

On the last working day of the year, managed to get a few of our ex-colleagues out for a simple dinner...! That was so fun, so many things to catch up, so many chit chit chat chat going on...

See... everybody is posing for Cogalate ad...!

say Cheese....

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Finally...some breathing space...

So happy...! Received an email from my lecturer on Friday morning saying that the deadline for his 2 assignments will postpone to 18/Jan...!!!!!! Yeah...! At least can slightly enjoy this holiday, unlike my X'mas this year, totally no mood due to the amount of work load that needa cleared.... but not for this New Year Eve...! Yeah...!

So here goes a little back dated post...

This is given by my colleagues for X'mas...

A simple hamper....

Most happy was this suprise present from my piggy..! Never thought i will receive any presents this year, cos i told him he wun be having any X'mas present this year... and he did notice that i am stressed out by my assignments....

Thanks Dear...! I LOVE the Presents, i really LIKE it alot....! And most importantly, i love you more...!

Not all, there is this very interesting, very thoughtful and very sweet thing that my Piggy did that i wanna share...!

On X'mas eve night, after a tired day at work, my piggy came back home. While i had no mood for any celebration, i simply reluctant to step out or go anywhere, but to my suprise.... my piggy brought bacl a Fried Spring Chicken...!

I was curious, so i asked :"Why buy a 童子鸡back???"

He answered :"Cos today X'mas eve mah... 没有火鸡,我们就吃同子鸡咯。。。!"

I was so amused and touched at the same time... so we watched documentary and had our sweet 童子鸡 together....

Not so bad for a X'mas lah... heehee...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

3 more assignments to go...!!!!!!!!!!

Actually only 1 assignment is done, therefore 3 more to go...!

Have rest enough for the past week, now need to buck up to down the next one..! Hopefully can target it down by 22/Dec....!

More late nights and restless days...!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Movies that i want to watch...!

The Holiday
Firstly, this show has very strong cast, figuring Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law and Jack Black...!!! Then i had watch the previous shows direct by Nacy Meyers, they are all meaningful sweet romantic love stories.... Thou in "the Holiday", somehow the storyline is very much predictable, but i still wanna see what the director wanna bring across to the audiences...

Its about 2 strangers over the globe (Cameron Diaz & Kate Winslet) who happened to chat online and found so much common in their failure love life. Kate is in love with a man who is about to marry another women, while Cameron is living with a man who has been unfaithful, and impulsively, they decided to switch home for the holiday. End up, they found love in their new location.

This is at the top of my list! A fantasy and magical movie, how can i miss...! Must watch must watch...!

I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie! I want Movie!

Monday, December 11, 2006


Finally after so many weeks of assignment, DONE...! Now can go out romancing...! heehee....

Saturday night....
1. ABC market for a hearty dinner... (Fried Kuay Tiao + Carrot Cake + Wu Xiang)
2. Kent Ridge Park Rounding
3. West Coast McDonal for supper
4. West Coast Highway Rounding
5. Pandan Reservoir for R&R

Went so many places... but only have pictures of myself 自恋-ing before the outing... heehee...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Diamond Star

That night after dinner, we by-passed Bugis Junction and came across this Diamond Chirstmas Tree standing in the middle of the mall....

It attracted lost of shoppers, 1) bcos it is really eye catching, 2) it is sparking and 3) guess the correct numbers of diamond on that tree, shoppers are able to walk home with some prices sponsor by Soo Kee Jewellery...!

Star filled with Diamonds...!

Busy Week

Been busy for the past 2 weeks...

Had been tied down by company function, friend's wedding, assignments and work. Here i am... taking a short break for some replenishment....

Went visiting to the JB suppliers and to catch the recommended "Bakut Teh"....

The soup base is bagus...! RICH in smell & taste, but the rest of the food can only receive a rating of 60/100 marks ba... so so only...

My operation gang, out to roar in food again...! Heehee... this time is Uncle Philip's treat. We had our dinner at Chili Paddi... this was a recommendation from one of our japaness colleague, she said that the food here is nice and not spicy (cos uncle philip cannot take spicy food) and because it is CHEAP.

However, after we tried, i found that maybe is because the food varities wasn't huge, only a few types to choose from and i personnal dun like coconut stuffs, so didn't qutie enjoy...

But... this gathering wasn't only about the food, it is about the bond within our section and the laughing that i am talking about... See for yourself and u will know...

Mr Pow laughing to his heart contend....

Vivian & Kwok commenting...

Speical guest of the night.... Johnny (ex-colleague)

The small counter where all food are placed.