Friday, August 18, 2006

Big Breakfast....!

Last Sunday, 13/8/06, when to Serene Centre to buy Big Breakfast.

But was so disappointed... First, i found the meat patty was only cooked on one side, cos only one side is golden brown. So.. can u imagine, when the other side of the patty is still having the whitish look... Though still can be eaten, Give up on the patty, so proceed to eat my scrabble egg... Just when i was eating halfway, saw this small piece of egg shell... Totally lost my appetite already...

This isn't the first ocaccion that i am so disappointed with that branch. Like... 2 week ago, was queueing up for breakfast again at the same branch, it was very near 11am, hoping that i were still able to get my Big Breakfast. However as expected, when it was my turn, all Big Breakfast had finished.

Counter :" Sorry, no more big breakfast."
Me :" Huh..err... no ways to make another one?"
Counter :" Err.. sorry, no..."
Me :"Hmm... ok... then can i have......etc"

So very reductantly, i ordered something else, while the counter gal was preparing my order, there was this lady at the next counter. This was what happened...

Lady customer :" 2 big breakfast"
Counter (turn arnd, check the availability and reply) :" Err...sorry, no more big breakfast."
Lady customer :" Its not evern 11am yet, but why no more big breakfast?"
Counter (turn to kitchen, ask again and reply) :"Err... Sorry mdm, no more. Would u like to have hotcake, etc instead?"
Branch Manager come into picture :"Yes Mdm, wat can i help?"
Lady customer :"It's not 11am yet, why no big breafast?"
Branch Manager :"Sorry Mdm, it's already 11am Macdonals' time, we dun make any more big breakfast, but how many big breakfast u like to have?"

Then branch manager turned arnd to kitchen and instructed the staff to make additional for that lady customer. This left the counter gal and me looking at each other, i sighed~

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