Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's Chinese New Year

First, i wish all a Fat Fat New Year after all the Ang Bao collection... Wahahaha... Been busy for the passed whole week..

Work - After KL trip need to rush to complete all paper work before the festival, cos after holiday need to do closing liao.
Home - Need to do last min spring cleaning...! All because of my laziness lah...

And for the pass 3 days are : visiting, collect ang bao, visiting, collect ang bao... wahahaha...

Picture time again...


Family Photo

Brothers... waiting for bus @ interchange, ready to start off...

Me & Mum

Mum & Dad : No smile...

Evening time, at Piggy's granny house for dinner...


Happening @ Kenny's place. We drink, we eat & we drink. See me drink tell blur blur... wahahaha...

Piggy & Me

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