Sunday, February 05, 2006

Holiday for this whole week! (31/1 ~ 5/2)

Yeah...! This whole week off..! Can have time to replenish the lost of rest for the past whole week..!

Went MOS with a few friends, but was quite dispointed with that place. It is rather big and look high class but this crowd was so so only... it wasn't really happening that night.

Let's see some pic...

Me & Felicia in the Ladies

Me, Felicia & Kat

Making funny faces...! Wahahaha...

Sexy mah....?

Went shopping...!

Saw a pair of Nike shoe during that day shopping... I like the design and the uniqueness...

See the Dragon Print... there is a chinese charater "Gong Fu" under the sole... Nice rite...?

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