Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hair Cut

I met Jinlian last evening for dinner, supposingly i should go for a simple hair trimming at those neighborhood saloon, but she recommended me to EC house as we are meeting at Jurong Point. Nevertheless, i tried and that is my very 1st experience!

What can i say about them... err... their service are good, very friendly and polite, but in term of skills, hmm..if normal trimming they are well trained enough.
Waiting time -> 15 min
Cutting time -> 15 min
Overall : Average

As for me, i actually prefer slow and steady hair cut... i dun mind the hair dresser taking their own sweet time to do my hair, i like the feeling... heehee...

Wanna see some photo... there it goes...

This picture is taken after the hair cut....

Company Congregation Dinner


We had our Congregation Dinner on Monday evening at Jumbo Riverside Point. My favorite seafood…!

Guess what we had….

  1. Yusheng

  2. Sharkfin

  3. Cheesy Creamy Lobster

  4. Fish

  5. Chilly Crabs

  6. Fried Yam with Scallop

  7. SanMee with Prawn

  8. Yam Paste

Picture Time...

At Jumbo Seafood Restaurant...!

~ Cheers

Joyce & Me...

Dressing for 1st day of work...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Holiday for this whole week! (31/1 ~ 5/2)

Yeah...! This whole week off..! Can have time to replenish the lost of rest for the past whole week..!

Went MOS with a few friends, but was quite dispointed with that place. It is rather big and look high class but this crowd was so so only... it wasn't really happening that night.

Let's see some pic...

Me & Felicia in the Ladies

Me, Felicia & Kat

Making funny faces...! Wahahaha...

Sexy mah....?

Went shopping...!

Saw a pair of Nike shoe during that day shopping... I like the design and the uniqueness...

See the Dragon Print... there is a chinese charater "Gong Fu" under the sole... Nice rite...?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's Chinese New Year

First, i wish all a Fat Fat New Year after all the Ang Bao collection... Wahahaha... Been busy for the passed whole week..

Work - After KL trip need to rush to complete all paper work before the festival, cos after holiday need to do closing liao.
Home - Need to do last min spring cleaning...! All because of my laziness lah...

And for the pass 3 days are : visiting, collect ang bao, visiting, collect ang bao... wahahaha...

Picture time again...


Family Photo

Brothers... waiting for bus @ interchange, ready to start off...

Me & Mum

Mum & Dad : No smile...

Evening time, at Piggy's granny house for dinner...


Happening @ Kenny's place. We drink, we eat & we drink. See me drink tell blur blur... wahahaha...

Piggy & Me

Work Trip to KL - 24/1 ~ 25/1

This time my trip was more relax and short. Luckily I am going with a Manger, so he is doing most of the talking. Hahahaha.... My duty is just to check on the payment issue and the progress of our KL office.

Anyway, everytime i go over, i will gain at least 1kg before i return...! The colleauge there always very "zhao gu" me, always feed me fat fat... heehee....

Show you one of my lunch...

We had African Fish, Bak Ku Teh & a vegi.

See... No meat left..!

Finally, on way to airport...!