Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Brunch with Uncle Philip

CNY 2014 - 初五 

The annual meet up with the ex-sankoians... but very sad :( Attendance is falling from bad to worst! This year, we have 3 of us ONLY! The 3 "ONz" and "Steady"ones! Boooooo to whose can't keep promise de!

Running late! No time to take OOTD, so just snap from lift reflection.

These are only part of the food... was too hungry, gobble down the food then realised opps! 

oh...! Must mention, this dish is something similar to cold cut or ham, many might not know, but this dish is delicious!
Did a little research about this 冻肉, it could come in many other forms, the above is more ham like... i had eaten those shown below... this dish is full of collagen, that's why it could form the jelly like shape when it's being chill.

Camwhore time..!

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