Thursday, February 20, 2014

CNY 2014 - 初七人日

This day is another steamboat day at John & Felicia nest... Piggy can almost puke by just hearing these 2 words... haha... But most importantly, it's the gathering that we enjoy, not so much on the food...

Take 1 failed

Ms Kat trying hard to cover her blossom...

As usual like a norm phenomenon now we must have our short gambling session before event ends. At John's place, Boon was the super lucky "zhuang"..! All of us lost our money to him... Cos he claimed he had the power of love that keep supplying him the luck! WTF!

Thou end the night with empty pockets, still it's a successful event!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

CNY - 初六



Brunch with Uncle Philip

CNY 2014 - 初五 

The annual meet up with the ex-sankoians... but very sad :( Attendance is falling from bad to worst! This year, we have 3 of us ONLY! The 3 "ONz" and "Steady"ones! Boooooo to whose can't keep promise de!

Running late! No time to take OOTD, so just snap from lift reflection.

These are only part of the food... was too hungry, gobble down the food then realised opps! 

oh...! Must mention, this dish is something similar to cold cut or ham, many might not know, but this dish is delicious!
Did a little research about this 冻肉, it could come in many other forms, the above is more ham like... i had eaten those shown below... this dish is full of collagen, that's why it could form the jelly like shape when it's being chill.

Camwhore time..!

Monday, February 17, 2014

CNY 2014 - 初四

Steamboat dinner at Carole's place...

Nice 4-room flat with modern deco...

Camwhore in toilet... no filter, only good lighting!

ootd - this was actually taken back home after the dinner end 

Someone is hungry!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's

Photo: Happy Valentine's Day 老公!
Love U Deep Deep!!!

Thank you for being there, tolerating me, giving in to me and making me happy!
Will only stop loving you till my last breath!

Monday, February 10, 2014

CNY 2014 - 初三


年初三,我们就开工了,就只有我们俩。老板的意识是让员工多休息一日,由他自各来开店。那就不会碰到初四才开业又可让剩余的人心服, 一举两得,真聪明!

难的可以早收,我们俩就逗了逗,二人世界。就在家附近的 Eighteen Chef 享受晚餐,甜蜜甜蜜一下。

Soup of the day - Cream of Carrot

My cheesy Baked Rice.. Yummy..! (Choose from "Be Your Own Chef Menu)

His Stew beef with rice (recommendation of the day)
(If like to know more abt the pricing and food range, you can visit their webby @

Photo: Pak Tor :)


Friday, February 07, 2014

CNY 2014 - 初二

Second day of new year is still a holiday for us! We cuddled in bed till late afternoon before we move our lazy ass to 大姨 house in the west. No pic for house event... but without fail every year 大姨 will home make a table full of "buffet style" food and wait for all of us to feast! Hmm... maybe next year i must remind myself to take pictures... Usually on this day, 大姨 house will turn into a mini gamble den, there will be boys and girls, aunties and uncle surrounding the big table trying out their luck, till now i still dunno what's the name of game they played. Not only that, there will be 1-2 tables of majong going on at the same time! Happening not?

Us..? Piggy not a fan of gambling (which is lucky), me don't know how to play, so we will be there munching away and watch tv.

On the way to 大姨 house

 Act emo... haha

As usual, will host a steamboat dinner for all colleagues at my place. Therefore after 大姨 house, gotta rush back to prepare. Look at the table full of food, too much for only few of us..! Me lah... the big sotong head, i mixed up the dates, they thought is the following day, so attendance was cut... :(

Early bird

 Jackson, Ruoning and MIL came over for a visit.

End of Day 2