Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Charles Wedding - Shangri La Orchard 27 Aug 2011

Attended Charles Wedding held in Shangri La Hotel~

Lovely banquet he had there..... His theme is feathers and colour he choose was Tiffany Blue~ Very unique choice!

Pictures from his album

Ee Wei and me in Polaroid shot!

Table Photo

My Cam-whoring Shot!

It's a little funny dinner, Charles only invited 3 of us from him poly, which i thought might be a gathering event for us... but too bad~ We were sitting among his relatives table, felt a bit weird and hard to communicate. In any case, it is still a relax evening for me.

Charles had modified his dinner procedure a little:

They had the usual first march in, but on the second one, his wife walked in alone with her sisters.

They do away the "Yum Seng"!

They had "Live" pianist playing soothing music all night long!

It is sort of different feel for wedding dinner. Enjoyed myself with the food and wine!

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