Sunday, February 13, 2011

CNY 2011 - Part 1

CNY preparation....

Every year top of the list when it come to CNY is......SHOPPING...!!!!!!!! (That's the only part i enjoyed most)

These are loots for this year.

Like previous years, i have to work till eve of CNY and got to rush home to do last minute cleaning and tidying, which would always take me till quite late. As a result, our dinner is never early. :(

Reunion dinner is a tradition for every family, but for the past years, my mum would just chop the 拜拜chicken and other offerings for our dinner. Then whoever hungry just take our own bowl and get our own food, never is there a Reunion dinner. Only till last year, she started this steamboat thingy, finally it's a more 像样的团圆饭. As for this year, she improved the steamboat equipment. :)

Abalone, a must have for new year. There are too many types of abalone, the vegetarian style, the mushroom lookalike kind, big ones, tiny ones, dried ones and fresh (usually preserved) ones. Prices of the abalone is also one thing we have to look out during new year, it would be like stock markets.

Ours..... canned ones of course!

My shy brother trying to escape.... haha... too bad, caught in camara.

Ugly tired me....

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