Saturday, May 01, 2010

New House

I had never mentioned about my new flat... must document it down. This picture was taken during CNY (Feb2010), our house is almost ready... can see most of the cranes had been removed from the buildings, window grills are up, only left the panels....

Mr Piggy is happy because the progress is fast and there is a small park right in front, so mean no blockage (but too bad not true, the area in front is gonna be a private condo but probabaly a few years later ba...), and the area is centralised.

But the sad thing is, we only getting the 5th floor... low right?

Don't look as if it is that low right? Look at the next picture and count ba....

Correct ba?

Anyway, as long as it's comfy inside will do right, Mr Piggy? :)

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