Saturday, August 15, 2009

We had outing for a reason and it's because of Jeremy Ting ### Born day... haha...

So Piggy and me brought them to a special place which used to be his favorite past time too...

This is their FIRST time, all of them were quite excited, cos Danny got 1 prawn with minutes after he throw in the bait. Then Jeremy got so jealous (haha...), he has those kiasu attitude, he dun wanna loose out, so he too caught 1 soon after. That was a big motivation to them, so that is the kind of drive that keep one's going...

Something good about that place is not only prawning, it is open 24hr and they have their own BBQ pits which is free, no booking is needed and charcoal is supplied too. So we arrange a simple bbq session....

Here is Mrs Ting, refused to show face and busy preparing food for everyone.
The number of prawns we caught that day wasn't really impressive. And taking advise from a close friend, marinate prawns in Coke will taste nicer after bbq, and here it is~

Chef at work wor~
Enjoyable night for everyone, but tired cos next day all of us still have to report to work~

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