Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Was having craving for cheesecake these few days....

Ask Piggy to drive me to Cafe Cartel one late night, but by the time we reached there, there weren't any customers around. We were too pai sei to dine in, so gotta tabao back home loh....

Got 2 pieces at one go, so 1 for a day... Woohooo... super shiok... keke... Piggy is not a lover for cheesecake, so "Heng ah" nobody to fight with me... Wahahaha....

And God Know the next day, one of my colleague brought a super big piece of Bakerzin Oreo Cheesecake.....!!!!! I am like floating~ (of course that add a few pounds to my "tire" at the waist) The cake brings out a rich fragrance of the cheese, the Oreo base and topping equalise the mild sweetness and the texture is soft and puffy, just the right taste for my tongue. Oh~

Just check Bakerzin's website, they are having 50% discount to this Oreo cheesecake. I think it's super worth loh... for a diameter 18cm cheesecake is only $19.50 NOW (actual $38)...!!! Good deal right..!?!?!?!

I am not doing any sort of advertorial for Bakerzin, i simply love their Oreo cheesecake, i hope to share with more lovers nia....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I did medicure and pedicure on a super free afternoon (means sale no good :( , so come come to support buy some games...!!!).

Actually i just broke my nail, that's why cannot do the "square" type. But still quite satisfy with the result.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How i wish i could have a relaxing romantic holiday.

A nice tan on the beautiful beach with a lovely clear blue sky and soft sand.

Enjoy the sweet sunset~

with your love ones~

A nice massage~
And a nice garden breakfast that greets you with cool fresh air and bird chipping away .
Oh... how i wish~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One late night, Piggy and me have craving for home cooked porridge, so we went NTUC to grab some food.

Piggy choosing and selecting stuffs for our super late dinner.
Our basket of FOOOD........
Our dinner is done. :)

That's my creation~ veg, minced meat ball.

Piggy's ~ raw egg and plain porridge

Piggy cannot resist the salmon on the shelves, and there the fish on our plate. Keke...
But poor Piggy, he started having fever the next day. :( And he blamed it all on the salmon.
Poor fish, dead liao still gotta bared grievances.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Am really into drama lately... now going after this:

Hmm.. a bit hilarious, cos in the show every food seems nice, tasty and super delicious. But this make my appetite grows...! Me getting fatter liao... Gosh~

Some scene shots~

Monday, March 16, 2009

A super late Birthday wish to my Piggy... i was hospitalised on his birthday, no celebration for him... so sad....

Anyway, Happy Bithday Dear Dear~

But i still got him present after i discharged.


Hope u like the present.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Magnimo was hit by Dengue Fever :(

Poor me.... hospitalise for a week, just got discharged. Still feeling abit blur blur~

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I was very into this drama just before my fever. Hmm... finished it within 3 days..! Wahaha...

As usual, Show is always the funny guy.... Comedy, so if u wanna relax and have a good laugh... go for it!