Monday, February 09, 2009


This post should come before CNY, but me lazy mah... keke....

Saw this while clearing my room the other day...

It is a Telephone Book and surprising, all the numbers i recorded inside are starting with 567XXXX...!!!!! Wow... how long have u no dial a number not starting with 6567XXXX...?!?!?

Then another "collectibles" item found in my room were these....
Prizes i won over the years when i am with Sanko... none of them are big ones... :(

Photo from the last D&D i attended.

CNY shopping....

Love this dress but was thinking not so many chances on wearing it, so gave up buying.

First time in my memory we had "Steam Boat" at home for NEW YEAR...!!!!
Still got more dishes, but was bz eating, didn't take photos... keke..
Day 1 of CNY (with Dad)
With Mum (New Blouse I bought for Mum this year :)

Granny and Mum

With Piggy at Granny's house.

Wore Boots for the first time... keke...

Nice mah...? heehee....

New Year celebration didn't just end there... BBQ session at Piggy's house....

MJ session for the ladies.

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