Sunday, December 27, 2009

X'mas 2009

X'mas was simple for me this year, no fancy parties, no celebrations, no gifts as well... (err.. gifts, not really lah... I had my little customers whom bought me little gifts. :) )

Mr Piggy and myself had been trying to go for movies, but always didn't manage to make it, however we still make our way down to Vivo City for a walk and Carl's' Junior (which i insisted cos Mr Piggy had never tried that before!)

Our burgers

The Satisfied US

Came across the super bright Christmas Tress at Vivo

And the next moment when i am done with the photo taking, the lights went "pluff"...OFF! Sibeh heng ah...


First time having log cake, all thanks to Mr Pastry Chef Melvin! He purposely brought now this yummy delicious log cake from his workplace for us! The cake is an ice-cream cake i supposed, the middle core is stuffed with caramel, and filled with walnuts and banana. Oh... the thoughts of it makes me drooled.

Sorry Mr Piggy, i didn't buy any presents for you leh... and i know you were working so hard throughout this peak period. Big Hug and 幸苦你了!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Before i forget, better get this recorded.

Just as i wish for, cake and Flower is a must have thingy for BIRTHDAY!

Before the actual day, Mr Piggy had arrange to have steamboat dinner (should say supper) @ 鲜得来。BBQ cum steamboat style, our favourite!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009






今年的中秋我还收到了PSP小妹妹送来的Hello Kitty月饼哦!听她妈妈说妹妹有份参与制作月饼的过程,可说是她“亲手”做得哦!哈哈。。。可惜忘了牌照。

Sunday, November 01, 2009

St James

This is so long ago liao... sometime in Sept ba....

A so call polymates gathering cum dinner, end up left the 3 of us party-ing! :)

Only after a few drinks, i look like a full cooked lobster!


A super "hiao" ZL... haha...

Funky shot

Finally a decent shot and home sweet home....

Enjoyable night we had... nevertheless, their are my best pals ya!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ok... i know i have MIA for a super long time!

Too many reasons to all the delays:
  1. I dun have a comp at home to do all the updatings.
  2. The loading speed in the shop is super slow and problematic, having hell loads of headache uploading pictures and photo.
  3. Pairs of eagle eyes starring at me if i update in the shop.
  4. Lastly, i am too busy, ok ok... lazy...

Give me a bit of time, i will catch up de...!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mooncake Festival

I was peeping into people's blog, facebook updates, etc... everyone is making and baking mooncakes....

This lychee mooncake is special, its actually agar agar... hmm... maybe if i really have the time, i can give it a shot.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Plastic Seaweed

Dunno how true this rumor is, but i received this from a forwarded email from friends. To be save then to be sorry, i think i will just share this with whomever reading.
Even the brand, packaging, and manufacturer are all indicated.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Want to know why never update?

Cos i am busy with this~

Concurrent with this~

Saturday, August 15, 2009

We had outing for a reason and it's because of Jeremy Ting ### Born day... haha...

So Piggy and me brought them to a special place which used to be his favorite past time too...

This is their FIRST time, all of them were quite excited, cos Danny got 1 prawn with minutes after he throw in the bait. Then Jeremy got so jealous (haha...), he has those kiasu attitude, he dun wanna loose out, so he too caught 1 soon after. That was a big motivation to them, so that is the kind of drive that keep one's going...

Something good about that place is not only prawning, it is open 24hr and they have their own BBQ pits which is free, no booking is needed and charcoal is supplied too. So we arrange a simple bbq session....

Here is Mrs Ting, refused to show face and busy preparing food for everyone.
The number of prawns we caught that day wasn't really impressive. And taking advise from a close friend, marinate prawns in Coke will taste nicer after bbq, and here it is~

Chef at work wor~
Enjoyable night for everyone, but tired cos next day all of us still have to report to work~