Monday, September 01, 2008

Bad Experience

Been hearing alot from friends that JB is not safe, high robbery rate, thief, pick-pockets, etc...

Last night, i verified it.

It just happened right before our eyes. Unfortunately, his friend's girlfriend bag got snatched. She was in the car while the bf paid over at the counter, the robber just ran to his car and pull opened the door where the gf was. Then he just pulled the bag and hopped on to the bike and zoomed off.

In just a split second, the thief opened the car door, my Piggy saw and shout at him, the theif snatched, Piggy give chase, the theif wore his helmet and hopped off on the bike. OMG...!

Things were made worse when we made the police report. The officers there could only speak Malay, the report is in Malay too, and they need to refer you to different departments in order to just get back to Singapore.

Bad experience~

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