Thursday, August 07, 2008


Me now full-time working for my Piggy. Basically, we see, talk, joke with each other everyday. Each individual day is new to me, cos i won't be able to anticipate what would happen for the day, what customers i would see, what kind of sale approaches to apply, what new sale tactics Piggy will teach me and what kind of conflicts could be created throughout the day.

But all these sale thingy making both of us a little shack out by the end of the day. Thus most of the time we are either in shop nia... Our outdoor activities have reduced to almost zero. Hence, nothing much to update....

Us in the shop after closing....

My Piggy's new creation~


eneres said...

how's working life with ya hubby? hehe... Soon I will be like you too... haha

M@gnimo aka *J@Ne* said...

oh.. really? What line will that be?

eneres said...

Creative line lar.. i will be the admin master! hahahah.. not happening yet.. but in the planning process.. hope it works out thou.. i wish to be like you soon.. lol