Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Back date Back date....

Yah... i know, others were already on Valentine's Day Celebration updates or even Good Friday plannings when i am still at CYN. Sorry people, you got to bare with me, its my blog anyway... keke...

Lengthy post with lotsa pics...

Me, Ah Ma & Mom
三姑, 四姑, Mom & Me

Bro & Me
We are quite tradition, during CYN we would still go for red or similar colours. Even my bros too..!

@ 外婆家
五姨,Mom & 大姨

Bro & Cousin

Family Photo @ Dear's 婆婆家

初二@ 小姨家

Brunch @ 红星 - 12/Feb'08
Our annual activity....

Never-stop-eating uncle

Camera-shy Mr Kwok (lucky for me to get his face view for once)

Me & Vivian

Candid Mr Pow, Me and Ms Ever-Cheerful

Trying out different camera mode

Pre-Valentine's Day - 13/Feb'08
This year Valentine's Day had been just a normal day for me.... No unexpected flowers or gifts, but i am still happy.... Cos this year, my Piggy closed his shop earlier just to have dinner in a proper place (not tabao and eat in the shop with customers popping in and out) with me, not any fanciful restaurants, but good enough with good food and good companion...! keke...

Dear's Katsu Don & my Tariyaki Bento and yummy salmon sashimi
Busy Dear

Happy Me

Congregation Dinner @ Turf City - 14/Feb'08

Highlight of the night

Mr Lim - 22/Feb'08
Another colleague had resigned from the company....

Last but not least, i wanna thanks my dear dear for all these wonderful pictures that i can share with... Without this Panasonic Lumix FX55, there would not be so many memories that i can leave behind... How can i not love u my dear...!!! (Big Hugs)

My new baby~

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