Thursday, September 28, 2006

I was so angry with the School...! Yesterday during class, the administrator announced that our course will re-schedule to every Wed & Fri...

I won't be that angry if the school takes some effort to inform every students about the changes once they got this inform instead on the 1st lesson itself....! When they announced the change, everybody like goes, "HUH...!!!! *x#*@#....." and discussions go on and on and on....

The school should take some responsibilities in keeping us updated by means of calls or emails, but none was done....! The time table was being delayed over weeks, we only received the time table one week before course starts and this kinda last miniute information.... I hate it, i just hate...!

The real main reason is that i already have plans on Friday... This isn't the 1st time my plans were ruined... this made me feel that i am a lousy planner, whatever i planned will not work or there will be things coming up to spoiled the whole event...! Am i really a lousy planner or am i just that suay...!?!?!? Haix...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck for your studies~

Come to think about it, what are you studying anyway?

Hope you get flying colours. Take care~