Monday, July 17, 2006

Must watch Movie...!!!!

Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man Chest
I had watched the 1st story of the Pirates of the Caribbean : Tale of the Black Pearl. In part 1, the actors are charming, the graphic or the CG was good, the story line wasn't boring. For these reasons above, how can i miss the part 2 "Dead Man Chest"...?!?!?!

This is another show which i have been wanting to watch. Not becasue of the storyline or the CG, but the actress. Lee Sin-jie has never fail to act out the timid, suspicious and scary side of her role. Thou its a Chinese show, i won't mind paying a little for the weekday ticket.

Other up coming movies...

Now and Forever
Again, its the cast that attracts me. I just love to watch Choi Ji Woo. Her character in almost all her shows will be those very pathetic, cry-baby, yet stubborn type. That's wasn't the main point, perhaps i just like her look.

In this movie, again she is down with a terminal disease. But while escaping from the boring hospital treatment, she met with the male lead. The rest no need to say already, should be more or less expected liao ba...

The Fast & The Furious : Toyko Drift

Dragon Tiger Gate (龙虎门)
Its a martial art show with strong cast. Nicholas Tse, Shawn Yue & Donnie Yen.

Click - Adam Sandler is just too cute~

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