Thursday, June 24, 2010

Keys collection - 24Jun2010

Finally...! We can get our keys liao...!!!!

After all the appeals, loans, re-submission... YES! It's here...!

A super early appointment @ HDB on the 24th Jun 2010, 0810HRS. Super duper early loh... Mr Piggy was so worried + excited, he didn't sleep for the previous night!

Nowadays Keys are packed in such specially designed pouch. (Now i know why flats are so expensive!)

All keys are labelled and array neatly for us liao... Can't wait to see our flat, but got forceful instructions to us not to open the doors yet... (dun worry, definitely not ordered by HDB lah...)

Will update again once we view our flat. :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chloe's 6th Birthday - 19Jun2010

Got invited by Manda for her little princess's birthday. They borrow this function room at Lakeshore, which i think is a super ideal kitchen area one would yearn for!

Yup.. outdoor pouch....

Fully air-conditioned kitchen with all the high end necessaries.

I arrived early, not many guests around too, so let's get warm up with Chloe with cam-whoring...
First Attempt by Chloe

Second Attempt

Oh... gues what are they watching with wide eyes open and big smiles...?
Magic Show...!

Cake Time & Photo taking session
Sweet Family Photo

Manda & me with the Birthday Gal....

And a bit more on the catch up with Manda then i rushed off for work....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The baby my mum babysit is super duper cute loh...

He loves to smile so much...!!!

Luv u..!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Something Romantic

Wanna note down something very romantic that my Mr Piggy did...!!!

One late morning when i woke and open the room door.... i notice....
Tiny pieces of notes lying along the pathway to the toilet.... i was puzzled...!?!?!?! Me still is the half awake mode... so i went closing to have a look....
I took picture of all of them and pick up one by one and smiling to myself....

Till i reach the toilet.... THE END...

What a lovely darling i have there...! Love you much much wor... and i wanna thank you for the pleasant surprise, i like it! Muack!